Planning My New Offer
After changing my offer to the advert i had to come up with a new offer,i went back through my research and looked at some of the offers i saw. I noticed that all the products they were giving away for the price were new that year and some had not even been released yet.
I done a thought shower of the latest products that had come out in 2012 and found that their is a large variety of products and some would not be the right product for a local magazine. From my thought shower i found that they product i wanted to use had to be something my target audience would buy as a large purchase not on their everyday lives otherwise i believe it would not get as much interest.
Due to the fact that my newspaper is going to be a local newspaper to Portishead i thought it would be interesting to see what product they would like to win. I have come up with 5 products i think would be suitable for my newspaper and i am going to give them the products and ask the to circle the one they would prefer (car, smart phones, laptop, 3D television and radio) after then i asked the open question of why.
From my research i discovered that their is two clear winners a car and a smart phone. While analysing the data qualitative data i found that these were the most popular because they are products that are a necessity in the 21st century however their is different brands of these products at different price ranges so my sample thought they could be used regularly but it would be nice to have an product that would normally be out of their price range.
Also while going through the qualitative data i discovered that their was a large difference in the product of choice depending on the life stage the individual is currently going through. I found that if the individual was in late adulthood plus (17 +) then they would choose a car because it is very relevant to their lives and is one of their largest outflows of cash. If the individual was under 17 then driving did not appeal to them because they were legally unable to do it however they felt that the phone you had showed the level of income you had and therefore felt that the better phone they have the better they would look in front of their friends.
Due to the fact that the average reader is going to be older than 17 i decided that i am going to be doing an offer on a new car. I looked at the possible cars i could and decide to use a small family car because it will apply to more of the readers therefore i am going to use a new ford KA.
Image Of KA
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